Thank you very much for trying out the Shadows Follow prototype. I know the end result isn't much, for example the assets are terrible and the music is missing, but I think for being my very first video game it's okay.

SPOILER To get the good ending you must approach the first enemy, but you must not attack it. Now you have to wait for 30 seconds.
READ AFTER ENDING What basically happens is that Vera for the whole game is in crisis, but by ignoring the enemies she calms down and returns to reality.

Game Design Document:

Development log


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I like the controls, the animations and art are good, I had an issue where I was standing on top of the 3rd enemy and did an attack, and the screen just went blank. I like where it's going so far!

Thank you for your feedback!

I'm surprised to hear that you liked the controls and art, I thought they were the weakest part of the game.

I put all my eggs in the story and in the themes lol. I hope it's not disappointing.

I thought I had solved the problem by bouncing the player as soon as he touches the enemy, evidently this is not enough.

(1 edit)

Sorry for the awful translation,

Next time I will be much more careful about what I translate. For example when I say it almost fits I don't mean it is almost perfect but completely the opposite, I meant it is little more than bad. If you find any odd phrases please tell me so I can fix them.

If you want to know more about the story there is the explanation here:

I hope you enjoyed the story (I think that's the only thing that's maybe okay)